5 Tips To Being Natural And Confident On Camera

Home » 5 Tips To Being Natural And Confident On Camera

If you find it difficult to stand and talk to a camera when producing a video or do anything, there you’re in good company. Lots of professional presenters feel the same. That’s why they have several tricks to make the task easier. Here are some simple techniques you can use to improve a piece to camera (PTC).

Here are 5 unorthodox but successful tips to prepare for your next on camera presentation:


Do some mirror work. High-performance athletes do this, and you can too. Take 2 minutes at a time to just BE with yourself in the mirror. Look into your own eyes and be present . Don’t imagine an audience or zone out. Just be with yourself and focus. Add a little affirmation here, either in your hand or out-loud, and mirror work can really increase you confidence in spades.
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